Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences - Radiography

A Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences, with a focus on diagnostic radiography and one imaging modality such as MRI, CT, vascular imaging, or mammography, trains students to become skilled radiologic technologists. The program encompasses comprehensive education in patient care, anatomy, radiographic positioning, radiation protection, and image analysis. Students learn to operate sophisticated imaging equipment, perform precise diagnostic procedures, and produce high-quality medical images. They gain specialized knowledge in their chosen imaging modality, mastering techniques to capture detailed images critical for diagnosing various medical conditions. Clinical internships provide hands-on experience, ensuring graduates are prepared for professional practice in diverse healthcare settings.

At the end of the first year in the professional component (junior year - summer semester), students will select from three specialization tracks to complete: (1) advanced modality to include CT, MRI, Vascular, or Mammography, (2) ultrasound, or (3) radiation therapy. It is important to note that admission to the various modalities may be limited to the availability of clinical rotation sites. Therefore, students will be asked to rank their first, second, and third preference of tracks and modalities. 

When the fall semester of the senior year begins, students will take courses in the specialized area. 


▼   Accreditation

The University of South Alabama Radiography Program is accredited by:

The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)
20 N. Wacker Drive
Suite 2850
Chicago, IL  60606-3182  
Phone (312) 704-5300
JRCERT - University of South Alabama Information Page

The Program has an 8-year accreditation award to be reviewed in the Second Quarter of 2024.
Radiography JRCERT Award Letter

▼   Goals and Program Effectiveness Data

Goals and Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will communicate effectively in the healthcare setting.
    Student Learning Outcome:
    • Students will demonstrate effective written communication skills.
    • Students will demonstrate effective oral communication skills

  2. Students will develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
    Student Learning Outcome:
    • Students/graduates will be able to accurately evaluate radiographic images.
    • Students/graduates will be able to modify standard procedures for non-routine imaging examinations.

  3. Students will demonstrate professional behavior.
    Student Learning Outcome:
    • Students/graduates will exhibit a work ethic and demeanor befitting a healthcare professional.
    • Students/graduates will respect patient dignity and show compassion for patients.

  4. Students will develop clinical skills and competency appropriate to the entry level medical imaging professional.
    Student Learning Outcome:
    • Students will be able to position patients for routine radiographic examinations.
    • Students will practice radiation safety.

  5. Conduct a program committed to the continued improvement of education in the Radiologic Sciences.
    Student Learning Outcome:
    • Students/graduates will benefit from the program.
    • Students will be prepared for ARRT certification examination.

Program Effectiveness Data

The following is the most current program effectiveness data. Our programmatic accreditation agency, the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), defines and publishes this information. View the JRCERT webpage for more information.

Credentialing Examination: The number of students who pass, on the first attempt, the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification examination, or an unrestricted state licensing examination, compared with the number of graduates who take the examination within six months of graduation. The five-year average benchmark established by the JRCERT is 75%.

Credentialing Examination
Credentialing Examination Rate Number passed on 1st attempt divided by number
attempted within 6 months of graduation
Year Results
Year 1 - 2019 24 of 26 - 92%
Year 2 - 2020 24 of 24 - 100%
Year 3 - 2021 23 of 28 - 82%
Year 4 - 2022 19 of 24 - 79%
Year 5 - 2023 19 of 22 - 86%
Program 5-Year Average 109 of 124 - 87.9%


Job Placement: The number of graduates employed in the radiologic sciences compared to the number of graduates actively seeking employment in the radiologic sciences within twelve months of graduating. The five-year average benchmark established by the JRCERT is 75%.

Job Placement

Job Placement Rate Number employed divided by number actively
seeking employment within 12 months of graduation
Year Results
Year 1 - 2019 26 of 26 - 100%
Year 2 - 2020 23 of 24 - 96%
Year 3 - 2021 28 of 29 - 97%
Year 4 - 2022 24 of 24 - 100%
Year 5 - 2023 22 of 22 - 100%
Program 5-Year Average 123 of 125 - 98.4%


Program Completion: The number of students who complete the program within the stated program length. The annual benchmark established by the program is 80%.

Program Completion

Program Completion Rate Number graduated divided by number
started the program
Year Results
Year 1 - 2023 35 of 40
Annual Completion Rate 87.5%


The University of South Alabama offers a quality program in radiography, and we recommend that you investigate several schools before making a final decision. In fact, you should apply to several schools as enrollment is usually limited in all programs.

The JRCERT has defined "not actively seeking employment" as:

  1. Graduate fails to communicate with program officials regarding employment status after multiple attempts, OR
  2. Graduate is unwilling to seek employment that requires relocation, OR
  3. Graduate is unwilling to accept employment due to salary or hours, OR
  4. Graduate is on active military duty, OR
  5. Graduate is continuing education.
▼   Why Choose this Track

Students will study general radiography along with one advanced imaging modality. Advanced modalities include mammography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), vascular radiography, computed tomography (CT), or radiology administration.

Professional Component Hours

Junior Year - 38 semester hours

Senior Year - 38-39 semester hours


Students completing didactic and clinical requirements in this track will be eligible to apply for certification through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) in radiography and the advanced modality studied (excluding radiology administration).

Students can opt to study radiology administration in addition to an advanced modality.


▼   Application Form

The Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences Application Form should be used (for Fall Entry Only) if you meet the following criteria:

  • You do not already hold an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in Radiologic Sciences.
  • You have completed (or will complete PRIOR to the start of the upcoming Fall term) ALL General Education and Prerequisite requirements.
  • You CURRENTLY have a cumulative GPA (USA & transfer) of 2.0 or higher.
  • You have passed all math/science course (or plan to pass all math science courses) with a grade of C or higher.

Application Form

▼   Admission Requirements

Admissions Timeline

This schedule represents the admissions timeline in a typical year.

May 1 - Deadline applications/supporting documents
March through May - Admissions interviews are conducted
Mid-April - Initial review and 1st round of acceptance letters mailed for applications received and files completed by April 1.
By end of May – Final decisions are made and letters mailed
July 15 - Deadline for completion of drug screen and background check requirements for those accepted into the program
Fall Semester - Students begin first semester of professional component of program

Admission Requirements

Students applying for admission to the Radiologic Sciences program must meet all Admission Requirements. Enrollment into the program is limited and depends on the number of clinical openings available, as well as the student capacity as determined by the accrediting agency (JRCERT). Admission into the program does not guarantee a position in a particular track/modality for one's senior year.

  • Meet program Core Performance Standards to include general abilities, observational ability, communication ability, motor ability, critical thinking ability, interpersonal abilities and behavioral and social attributes.
  • Apply to the University of South Alabama. Acceptance to the University does not guarantee admission into the professional component of the Radiologic Sciences program.
  • Submit official college transcripts for all coursework not completed at the University of South Alabama by the application deadline. Transcripts are not required if the coursework has already been transferred to USA. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 ("C" average) on previously completed college-level courses as well as at least a "C" in all math and sciences courses. Applicants’ overall GPA (USA and transfer GPA, if applicable) will be used for admissions purposes.
  • Submit the Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences Application to the dept by the application deadline. See mailing address below.
  • International students must score a minimum of 76 on the TOEFL exam to include the following minimum sub-scores on the IBT:
    Listening 20    Speaking 20    Reading 18    Writing 18
    The IELT exam will not be used as an admission requirement to the Radiologic Sciences Program.
  • Submission of 3 completed Professional Reference Forms by the application deadline.
  • Completion of all required pre-professional courses by the end of the summer semester prior to desired admission for Fall semester. Students are admitted to the professional component in the Fall semester only. 
  • Complete personal interview with members of the Radiologic Sciences Admissions Committee. The personal interview allows members of the committee to meet each applicant and acquire additional information beyond the academic related data derived from transcripts and personal references, such as applicant's verbal and written communication skills. Applicants will be contacted approximately two weeks before interviews begin, and appointments will be made at that time.
  • Complete a brief writing assignment conducted on the day of your personal interview with the Admissions Committee.
  • Completion of drug screen and background check requirements as specified in the acceptance letter. Student acceptance into the program is provisional pending the completion of these forms. Refusal to submit will result in a nullification of acceptance into the program.
  • Proof of medical insurance must be provided following acceptance into the program by the due date specified in the acceptance letter.


Mailing Address

The completed Professional Reference Forms may be faxed to (251) 445-9347 or mailed to:

Admissions Committee
Department of Radiologic Sciences
HAHN 3015
5721 USA Drive North
Mobile, AL, 36688-0002


Admission Considerations

The Admissions Committee evaluates candidates according to the following criteria:

  • Grade point average
  • Written communication skills
  • Results of a personal interview
  • Applicant History (BS/BA degree, number of times applied, etc.)
▼   General Education Requirements (Pre-Professional Component)

Bachelor's degree in Radiologic Sciences - Applicants MUST complete the General Education Requirements for the pre-professional component PRIOR to admission to the Fall Semester of the professional component.

Second Bachelor's degree in Radiologic Sciences - Applicants with a bachelor’s degree in any field other than Radiography are only required to complete all Area V courses of the General Education Requirements (Human Anatomy & Physiology I and II, Physics, and Statistics) prior to the start of the professional component of the program and before applying to the Radiologic Sciences Department. Students should meet with the Allied Health advisor to determine their prerequisite requirements. It is highly recommended that students also take at least one biology course if one was not required for their previous bachelor’s degree.

Print Gen Ed Reqs


General Education Requirements

Area Course Hours
I - Written Composition EH 101 3
I - Written Composition EH 102 3
II - Humanities & Fine Arts CA 110 3
II - Humanities & Fine Arts EH 215, EH 216, EH 225, EH 226, EH 235, EH 236 3
II - Humanities & Fine Arts ARH 100, ARH 103, ARH 123, ARS 101, DRA 110, MUL 101 3
II - Humanities & Fine Arts AFR 101, ARH 100, ARH 103, ARH 123, ARH 203, ARS 101, CLA 110, DRA 110, EH 215, EH 216, EH 225, EH 226, EH 235, EH 236, LG 101, LG 102, LG 111, LG 112, LG 121, LG 122, LG 131, LG 132, LG 141, LG 142, LG 151, LG 152, LG 153, LG 171, LG 172, LG 173, LG 201, LG 202, LG 211, LG 212, LG 213, LG 221, LG 222, LG 231, LG 232, LG 234, LG 241, LG 242, LG 251, LG 252, LG 271, LG 272, LG 273, LGS 101, LGS 102, LGS 106, LGS 107, LGS 110, LGS 111, LGS 171, LGS 172, LGS 201, LGS 202, LGS 206, LGS 207, LGS 210, LGS 211, MUL 101, PHL 110, PHL 120, PHL 121, PHL 131, PHL 231, PHL 240, REL 100, REL 200, REL 201 3
III - Natural Sciences & Mathematics MA 112, MA 113, MA 115, MA 120, MA 125, MA 126, MA 227, MA 237, MA 238 3-4
III - Natural Sciences & Mathematics BLY 101 & BLY 101L or BLY 121 & BLY 121L 4
III - Natural Sciences & Mathematics BLY 102 & BLY 102L or BLY 122 & BLY 122L, CH 101 & CH 101L, CH 103 & CH 103L, CH 131 & CH 131L, CH 132 & CH 132L 4
IV - History, Social & Behavioral Sciences PSY 120 3
IV - History, Social & Behavioral Sciences HY 101, HY 102, HY 135, HY 136 3
IV - History, Social & Behavioral Sciences AN 100, AN 101, CA 100, CA 211, ECO 215, ECO 216, GEO 114, GEO 115, GS 101, HY 101, HY 102, HY 135, HY 136, IS 100, IST 201, NAS 101, PSC 130, PSY 250, SY 109, SY 112 6
V - Pre-Professional Required Courses BMD 251, BMD 252 8
V - Pre-Professional Required Courses PH 104, PH 104L, PH 114, PH 114L 4-5
V - Pre-Professional Required Courses BUS 245, ST 210, ST 305 3
Optional General Elective If needed to increase pre-professional component. Optional
  Pre-Professional Component Total 53 up to 60 hrs*

Students must complete a 6 credit hour sequence either in literature (Area II – EH 215 & EH 216, EH 225 & EH 226, or EH 235 & EH 236) or history (Area IV – HY 101 & HY 102 or HY 135 & HY 136)

All undergraduates must complete two designated writing credit (W) courses, at least one of which must be in the student's major or minor.

*Factors that influence required hours include 1) Physics course taken, 2) being exempt from EH 101 based on ACT, 3) whether or not AHP 101 was taken, 4) receiving credit by examination, and 5) if general elective needed to bring total up.

▼   Degree Requirements (Professional Component)

The professional component (junior and senior years) consists of two years of academic and clinical study in Radiologic Sciences. The program is six semesters in length, including two summer terms. All candidates must have satisfied the pre-professional component to qualify for the degree-seeking professional component, but completion of that component does not guarantee admission to the professional component. Enrollment in the professional component is limited by the number of clinical positions available.

▼   Year 1 (Junior Year)

All students admitted to the professional component are required to complete the following courses during their first year in the B.S. program. These courses are only offered once per academic year.

Print Year 1


First Professional Year - Fall

Course No. Course Name Hours
RAD 300 Clinical Education I 2
RAD 304 Patient Care & Ethics 3
RAD 307 Osseous I 4
RAD 310 Radiation Biology 2
RAD 312 Principles of Radiographic Exposure 4

First Professional Year - Spring

Course No. Course Name Hours
RAD 301 Clinical Education II 4
RAD 308 Osseous II 4
RAD 315 Contrast Media 2
RAD 318 Radiologic Physics 4
RAD 335 Pediatric-Geriatric Radiography 1

First Professional Year - Summer

Course No. Course Name Hours
RAD 302 Clinical Education III 4
RAD 320 Cross-Sectional Anatomy 2
RAD 415 Diagnostic Imaging 2
▼   Year 2 (Senior Year)

After completing the first year of the professional component curriculum, students will have the opportunity in their senior year to complete one of the following three tracks.

▼   Track 1 Option 1 - General Radiography Track - One Modality

These professional Radiologic Sciences courses are only offered once per academic year.

Print Track 1 Opt 1


Second Professional Year - Fall

Course No. Course Name Hours
RAD 309 Osseous III 3
RAD 403 Clinical Education IV 4
RAD 411 Survey of Pathology 4
RAD 475 Advanced Modality Clinic A (not required if taking Rad Admin) 2
RAD 430   AND Healthcare Communication (Rad Admin) 3
RAD 432   OR Healthcare Human Resource Management (Rad Admin) 3
RAD 477   OR Computed Tomography I 2
RAD 480   OR Mammography I (W) 2
RAD 483   OR Magnetic Resonance Imaging I 2
RAD 486 Vascular Radiography I (W) 2

Second Professional Year - Spring

Course No. Course Name Hours
RAD 404 Clinical Education V 4
RAD 437 Image Analysis 3
RAD 496 Radiologic Sciences Research I (W) 1
RAD 475 Advanced Modality Clinic A (not required if taking Rad Admin) 2
RAD 433   AND Healthcare Financial Management (Rad Admin) 3
RAD 435   OR Healthcare Operations Management (Rad Admin) (W) 3
RAD 478   OR Computed Tomography II (W) 2
RAD 481   OR Mammography II 2
RAD 484   OR Magnetic Resonance Imaging II (W) 2
RAD 487 Vascular Radiography II (W) 2

Second Professional Year - Summer

Course No. Course Name Hours
RAD 405 Clinical Education VI 4
RAD 494 Directed Independent Study 2
RAD 497 Radiologic Sciences Research II 1
RAD 475 Advanced Modality Clinic A (not required if taking Rad Admin) 2
RAD 440   OR Radiology Management Preceptor (Rad Admin) 1
RAD 479   OR Computed Tomography III 2
RAD 482   OR Mammography III 2
RAD 485   OR Magnetic Resonance Imaging III 2
RAD 488 Vascular Radiography III 2

Please note:
- Italicized Courses -Students will only take the italicized courses associated with their declared modality (concentration).
- (W) Courses will satisfy the University's Writing Requirement.

▼   Track 1 Option 2 - General Radiography + Track - One Modality + Radiology Administration

These professional Radiologic Sciences courses are only offered once per academic year.

Print Track 1 Opt 2


Second Professional Year - Fall

Course No. Course Name Hours
RAD 309 Osseous III 3
RAD 403 Clinical Education IV 4
RAD 411 Survey of Pathology 4
RAD 475 Advanced Modality Clinic A 2
RAD 430 Healthcare Communication (Rad Admin) 3
RAD 432 Healthcare Human Resource Management (Rad Admin) 3
RAD 477   OR Computed Tomography I 2
RAD 480   OR Mammography I (W) 2
RAD 483   OR Magnetic Resonance Imaging I 2
RAD 486 Vascular Radiography I (W) 2

Second Professional Year - Spring

Course No. Course Name Hours
RAD 404 Clinical Education V 4
RAD 437 Image Analysis 3
RAD 496 Radiologic Sciences Research I (W) 1
RAD 475 Advanced Modality Clinic A 2
RAD 433 Healthcare Financial Management (Rad Admin) 3
RAD 435 Healthcare Operations Management (Rad Admin) (W) 3
RAD 478   OR Computed Tomography II (W) 2
RAD 481   OR Mammography II 2
RAD 484   OR Magnetic Resonance Imaging II (W) 2
RAD 487 Vascular Radiography II (W) 2

Second Professional Year - Summer

Course No. Course Name Hours
RAD 405 Clinical Education VI 4
RAD 494 Directed Independent Study 2
RAD 497 Radiologic Sciences Research II 1
RAD 475 Advanced Modality Clinic A 2
RAD 440 Radiology Management Preceptor (Rad Admin) 1
RAD 479   OR Computed Tomography III 2
RAD 482   OR Mammography III 2
RAD 485   OR Magnetic Resonance Imaging III 2
RAD 488 Vascular Radiography III 2

Please note:
- Italicized Courses -Students will only take the italicized courses associated with their declared modality (concentration).
- (W) Courses will satisfy the University's Writing Requirement.

▼   Tuition and Expenses


See the latest USA Bulletin to view the USA Tuition and Fee Schedule information.  

Estimated Expenses

  • Books and Course Fees
    Approximately $900-$1100
  • Uniforms
    Approximately $250
  • Clinical Data System
    One-time payment of $150
  • Drug Screen
    Approximately $25
  • Background Check
    Varies based on number of prior residences, but approximately $50
  • Personal Medical Insurance
    Proof of medical insurance coverage is required of all students who are selected for admission to the program and should be submitted only when requested in the letter of admission. The reason for this requirement is that accidents occurring in the clinical setting, such as an accidental needle stick, require immediate medical attention. In such cases, the student must be prepared to pay for the required services. Therefore, it is necessary for students to carry personal medical insurance throughout the program.
  • Housing
    On campus student housing is available as well as many rental homes/apartments in the area. Due to the various types of housing available to students on campus, it is suggested that students contact the Department of Housing for information.
  • Transportation
    Students must be prepared to travel up to 90 miles from campus to participate in clinical education experiences.
  • Professional Liability Insurance
    Professional Liability Insurance is required as a protective measure in the event a student becomes entangled in a legal suit involving patient care activities within the clinical setting. Professional Liability Insurance is provided by the university as a component of tuition to students accepted into the professional component of the program.

▼   Clinical Obligations

During the professional component, students must be prepared to travel from campus in order to participate in the clinical education component of the curriculum. Classes and clinical assignments are scheduled Monday - Friday throughout the six semester program (Fall, Spring and Summer). Students may be required to attend class on campus and participate in clinical laboratory exercises or clinical education experiences during the same day. Schedules limit the combined hours for clinical education and didactic instruction to not more than 40 hours per week and not more than 10 hours per day. Students are assigned to clinical education rotations 16-24 hours each week during the academic year. Students will be assigned to up to seven different clinical education settings while enrolled, and should be prepared to travel to sites up to 90 miles from campus.

▼   Transfer Students

Students may transfer no more than 60 semester hours from a community college. To earn a B.S. degree, students must complete a minimum of 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree through instruction in upper-level courses (300,400) at USA, and must complete 15 semester hours in the major and must complete a total of 120 hours. Two "W" (writing component) courses must also be taken at USA.

Transfer Equivalency Tables

USA’s Registrar’s Office has created the Transfer Equivalency Tables which allow students to quickly access an unofficial evaluation of how previous credits will be counted at South. If your institution is not listed, please email a PDF of your unofficial transcript to the Registrar’s Office at Please allow 3-5 business days for the unofficial evaluation to be completed.

Pathway USA

Students from area community colleges may be eligible to participate in South’s Pathway USA program which supports a smooth transition for students transferring to South who have earned an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree from one of our participating schools. Pathway USA Participants will have access to a South Alabama academic advisor throughout their time at their participating community college. Visit Pathway USA for more information.

▼   High School Seniors

Visit the Prospective Student webpage for important information specifically for high school students.

▼   Financial Aid

Financial Aid is available to students in this program for those who qualify. Visit USA's Financial Aid department for more information.